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To serve God is to serve others and is the greatest form of charity; the pure love of Jesus Christ.  Christ said, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  (John 13:34),  This list gives 15 ways in which we can serve God by serving others. 

1. Serve God Through Your Family
To serve God starts with serving in our families. Daily we work, clean, love, support, listen to, teach, and endlessly give of ourselves to the members of our family. We may often feel overwhelmed with all that we must do. The key is to know and understand your own capabilities and limitations and then to pace yourself, allocating and prioritizing your time, your attention, and your resources to wisely help others, including your family. As we lovingly give of ourselves to our family, and serve them with hearts full of love, our acts will also be counted as service to God. 

2. Give Tithes and Offerings
One of the ways we can serve God is by helping his children, our brothers and sisters, through paying a tithing and a generous offering. Money from tithing is used to build God's kingdom upon this earth. Contributing financially to God's work is a great way to serve God. Money from fast offerings is directly used to help the hungry, thirsty, naked, stranger, sick, and afflicted (see Matt 25: 34-36) both those locally and world wide. 

3. Volunteer in Your Community
There are countless ways to serve God by serving in your community. From donating blood (or just volunteering at the Red Cross) to adopting a highway, your local community has great need for your time and efforts. Be careful not to select causes who's primary focus is selfish. When you select causes to devote your time and talents and treasure to, be careful to select good causes, which will produce much joy and happiness for you and for those you serve. You can easily become involved in your community, it only takes a little effort to contact a local group, charity, or other community program.

4. Home visitation and witnessing for Christ
Visiting others through their homes and witnessing for Christ is a vital way we have to serve God by caring for one another. Home visitation and witnessing for Christ provide a means by which an important aspect of our character and service for God may be developed: love of service above self. We become more like our Lord and Savior, who has challenged us to emulate His example. As we give of ourselves in the service of God and others we will be greatly blessed.

5. Donate Clothing and Other Goods
All throughout the world there are places to donate your unused clothing, shoes, dishes, blankets/quilts, toys, furniture, books, and other items. Generously giving of these items to help others is an easy way to serve God and declutter your home at the same time. When preparing those things you are going to donate it is always appreciated if you only give those items that are clean and in working order. Donating dirty, broken, or useless items is less effective and takes precious time from volunteers and other workers as they sort and organize the items to be distributed or sold to others. Stores that resell donated items usually offer much needed jobs to the less fortunate which is another excellent form of service.

6. Be a Friend
One of the simplest and easiest ways to serve God and others is by befriending one another. As we take the time to serve and be friendly, we’ll not only support others but also build a network of support for ourselves. Make others feel at home, and soon you’ll feel at home. Kindness is the essence of greatness and the fundamental characteristic of the noblest men and women. Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes. Who doesn't love and need friends? Let's make a new friend today!

7. Serve God by Serving Children
So many children and teenagers need our love- and we can give it! There are many programs to become involved with helping children and you can easily become a school or library volunteer. Imagine what the Savior would do for our children if he were here. The Savior’s example applies to all of us, whether we love and serve children in our families, as neighbors or friends, or at church. Children belong to all of us. "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God"(Luke 18:16). Jesus Christ loves children and so too should we love and serve them.

8. Mourn with Those that Mourn
If we are to "come into the fold of God, and to be called his people" we must be "willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light. We must be willing to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort. One of the easiest ways to do this is to visit and listen to those who are suffering. Carefully asking appropriate questions often helps people feel your love and empathy for them and their situation. Following the example of Jesus Christ will help guide us to know what to say or do as we keep the Lord's commandment to care for one another.

9. Follow Inspiration
We must trust the Lord and let Him guide our lives and follow the inspiration of Jesus Christ.

10. Share Your Talents
Sometimes our first response when we hear that someone needs help is to bring them food, but there are so many other ways we can give service. Each of us have been given talents from the Lord that we should develop and use to serve God and others. Examine your life and see what talents you have. What are you good at? How could you use your talents to help those around you? Do you enjoy making cards? You could make a set of cards for someone who's had a death in their family. Are you good with children? Offer to watch someone's child(ren) in a time of need. Are you good with your hands? Computers? Gardening? Building? Organizing? You can help others with your skills by praying for help to develop your talents.

11. Simple Acts of Service
God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other. So often, our acts of service consist of simple encouragement or of giving mundane help with mundane tasks, but what glorious consequences can flow from mundane acts and from small but deliberate deeds! Sometimes all it takes to serve God is to give a smile, hug, prayer, or a friendly phone call to someone in need. 

12. Serve God Through Missionary Work
As followers of Jesus Christ, sharing the truth through missionary efforts and the mission field, His gospel, and its truth is of vital service to everyone. One of the most important and rewarding ways in which we can serve our fellowmen is by living and sharing the principles of Jesus Christ and His gospel. We need to help those whom we seek to serve to know for themselves that God not only loves them but he is ever mindful of them and their needs. To teach our neighbors of the divinity of the gospel is a command reiterated by the Lord.

13. Fulfill Your Callings
Members of the Church are called to serve God by serving in church activities. Most of those serving God and his son Jesus Christ are eager to roll up their sleeves and go to work for Him, whatever that work might be. They faithfully perform their duties for Him. They magnify their callings. They serve the Lord by serving others. They stand close together and lift others where they stand. When we seek to serve others, we are motivated not by selfishness but by charity. This is the way Jesus Christ lived His life and the way a follower of Christ must live theirs. Faithfully serving in our callings is to faithfully serve God.

14. Use Your Creativity- It Comes from God
We are compassionate creators of a compassionate and creative being. The Lord will bless and help us as we creatively and compassionately serve one another. As you immerse yourselves in the work of our Father, and as you create beauty and as you are compassionate to others, God will encircle you in the arms of His love. Discouragement, inadequacy, and weariness will give way to a life of meaning, grace, and fulfillment. The Lord will bless us all with the needed strength, guidance, patience, charity, and love to serve His children.

15. Serve God by Humbling Yourself
It is impossible to truly serve God and His children if we, ourselves, are full of pride. Developing humility is a choice that takes effort but as we come to understand why we should be humble, it will become easier to become humble. As we humble ourselves before the Lord, our desire to serve God will greatly increase as will our capacity to be able to give of ourselves in the service of all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our Heavenly Father deeply loves us- more than we can imagine- and as we follow the Savior's command to "love one another; as I have loved you" we will be able to do so. May we find simple, yet profound ways to daily serve God and his son Jesus Christ as we serve each other.
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