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by Cyril Almond

There is much teaching about in the church today about the love of God. Now it is good to teach about this. But where we come unstuck on this one, is this. If you teach how to love and do not really teach about the one who you love. There is a lot of teaching about God, but not a lot about knowing him.. I love my wife, because I know her in an intimate way. I must have a desire to know God intimately

Timothy chapter 6. verse 11. Puts it this way. But you oh man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness. Now what are we being told to flee from?. It is the things of this world that would hinder us from manifesting the fruits of the Holy Spirit. God has a desire to see his saints come into the fullness of his love. When we pursue this path, the love of God will overwhelm us in a wonderful way.

We were made in the image of God. Adam thought and talked like God. He could walk in the Garden of Eden with him and talk with him. When he sinned all that finished. But the God that we serve wants to do the same with us. He will talk to us and hold our hand as we walk the path of life. We can hold a conversation with him about his word and how he wants us to walk according to the scriptures.

How is this possible? Because when Jesus died on the cross, he defeated Satan and his stronghold on us was finished. Trouble is that we as a church have not full realized this. That is why we are taught about God and who he is. But rarely about the fact that he is not a far off God. He is real and wants to come closer than a lover to us. Jesus taught about this, when he said do you know who I am?. In John 10. verse 30. he said, I and Father are one. He was being looked at as the carpenters son. To say such a thing about a God that was far off and not known . This was blasphemy, they knew Jesus in the natural and the two did not match.

We can know God in the natural and totally miss who he really is. This is a Father, a Son and the Holy spirit, all in one. Yearning to love us and teach us. Intimately! Wow! I do not know about you. But I reckon that is a good deal. And the best bit? It is free!

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